Word of Life Ukraine: Evacuating Our Team

This morning, after a night full of paperwork and planning, most of our staff crossed the border into Hungary. The line to cross was long and slow, but our team has made it safely. Our group of about 50 people was primarily made up of women and children. The Ukrainian men were not allowed to leave the country, which made a heartbreaking departure even more traumatic as families and friends were separated at the border. Our staff men who had to remain have courageously and compassionately mobilized to help others cross. They are committed to staying behind and serving their country by helping others to safety. 

Word of Life Hungary sent a bus to the border, where they have picked up those of our Ukrainian team who were able to cross and are now taking them to our campus there. 

The Word of Life Ukraine property is not far from the capital city of Kyiv, which is being stormed by the Russian military at this very moment. While the situation develops, our men will remain at a small church near the border.

There is no word on how long these families will be separated or what will come of the next few days – but we are profoundly thankful for the hearts of our Ukrainian team who are bravely and faithfully facing the unknown future and entrusting it to a faithful God. 

Please, Continue to Pray

  • Pray for the families as they begin to process the trauma of leaving their homeland under these circumstances and are separated from family
  • Pray for all those who must remain in Ukraine during this dangerous time
  • Pray for our Hungarian staff as they host and care for our displaced team
  • Continue to pray for peace and an end to the violence

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